Guide to Survival: Finding Food in the Woods
One thing you may have noticed while camping is that its either eat, or be eaten. Let’s say all you’ve packed is three cans of beans, a tent, water and safety supplies for your outdoor trip. Unless you ration those three cans you won’t be able to survive for very long if you happen to get lost in the woods. There are, however, a few things you can do to ensure you survive….and thrive! Here is my guide to survival: finding food in the woods.
Food Finding Survival Tips
Know How to Start a Fire
Fire Building is essential for making a feast of your own.
Trees are Your Friend
Small trees or old fallen logs are a great way to find your daily protein. Simply split open the small tree/log with a knife or pointed stick and search for yummy, juicy grubs and worms which can be cooked or eaten raw. You MUST get out of your comfort zone if you want to survive in the outdoors.
Can You Climb Trees?
If you answered yes, great! If you answered no…then LEARN. Trees may also have a friend living on them. Birds lay their eggs in nests and occasionally fly off to scavenge for food. While they are away, climb the tree and take some eggs for yourself. They may not taste like grocery store eggs but hey, its FOOD. Also, if your quick and skilled enough, catch a squirrel. Not only does a squirrel taste delicious (I know… I’ve tried) but there’s enough meat to last a day (if you catch a rather plump one).
Berry Yummy
If you are lucky enough to be stranded outdoors in the fruitful months and even luckier to have wild berries growing nearby, you may be able to enjoy the fruits of nature. If you notice a blackberry, blueberry or other well known bush with safe looking berries on it, consider yourself one happy camper!
Do NOT eat just any berry! Some berries are poisonous and could seriously harm you.
Reference Link:
Guide to Survival: Finding Food in the Woods (
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